Recycled DIY Supplies

So… What “trash” do you save for your DIY projects?! I had to start over since the move to Atlanta but here are some things I’ve been saving lately. Be sure to read the comments on the YouTube video watch page if you want even more great ideas. And/or hop on over to the Sheepishly Sharing Facebook Group to see even more suggestions!


Knitting Machine Tube Size Comparison!

Curious about the sizes from different circular knitting machines? Here are 4 samples and their measurements!

Knit Quick Knitting Machine First Impression

Michael’s (a large craft store chain here in the USA) has come out with it’s own circular knitting machine. I bought it and ran it through it’s paces. Here’s my initial impression:

UPDATE: This machine seems to be inconsistent in production quality. Many people report broken gears soon after purchase while others do not. Mine lasted a good while but I eventually wore it out, too.