Tutorial: Getting Clean, Straight Edges on a Knitted Tube Scarf

Nice, clean edges. Optional fringe can be added.

Nice, clean edges. Optional fringe can be added.

I love the double thickness of a tube scarf but getting the ends nice and neat is a challenge. I’ve finally found a solution I like and it can be done with knitting needles OR a crochet hook!

If you’re a knitter (which I am NOT), you’ll be familiar with the Three Needle Bind Off. That’s what you’ll do to finish your scarf ends. For me, a crocheter, I watched the video, got out the knitting needles, managed to get it done BUT… in the process, I learned exactly what was going on and realized that the same thing can be achieved with a crochet hook! Even my knitting friends say they find this easier to do.

If this is sounding familiar, I’ve already done a blog and video on this technique while seaming a square baby hat. But rather than putting right sides together, we’ll reverse that for our scarf ends so we’ll have the resulting chain lying across the end.

Here’s a demo and this is GREAT for Addi Express knitting machine scarves:

Favorite Non-Essentials for Yarn Craft!

We all have our favorite hooks and/or needles but what gadgets do you LOVE but could live without if you had to?? I have 3 non-essentials that make my yarn craft so much more efficient but since I posted this video, I’ve learned from my subscribers other helpful (and even inexpensive) items that enhance our hobby even more! I’d love to hear from others so share your ideas in the comments below!

In this video, I talk about Clover Pom Pom Makers, a yarn ball winder and a make up brush!

Tips for Knit and Crochet Charity Donations

Charities can’t use EVERYTHING. There are guidelines that need to be followed and I give you some things to consider before you drop off your work. Sizes? Banned colors? Types of acceptable yarn?? (And some of these tips apply to ALL donations, not just knit and crochet!)

Besides being a charity knitter and crocheter, I’ve served at the charities themselves so here’s a peek at what I’ve learned over the years!

Filming Tutorials from Overhead

Once again, I admit my ignorance to the world as I show the easiest, most obvious way to film a craft/art tutorial from above! Since I posted this video, I’m feeling much better about myself for overlooking this solution as there appears to be many who found it helpful! AND… if you search YouTube for ways to get this job done, you’ll see some crazy contraptions out there trying to accomplish the same thing!

Key things to remember:

1) Your setup needs to be stable so your camera is safe.

2) Your work area needs to be clear of obstructions so there’s a clear view AND so you don’t accidentally knock your camera over!

3) And to make it move from a “Good Tutorial” to a “Great Tutorial,” make sure the finished video is presented from the perspective of the teacher!

Here’s How: