Lattice Organizer

Pegboard-Inspired Lattice

How about a pegboard-inspired organizer without installation headaches? (Great for renters because it’s portable, too!)


  • 1 8ft x 2ft piece of vinyl lattice (available at home improvement centers for around $12)
  • Saw (circular saw is easiest OR have it cut to fit at the home improvement center)
  • 2 over-the-door hooks (mine came from the Dollar Tree)
  • S Hooks (number depends on your need)
  • Various organizers to hang on the lattice


  1. Cut the lattice to fit the door. (Be sure to save your scraps for small-space organizing!)
  2. Place over-the-door hooks and hang lattice.
  3. Arrange S Hooks on lattice to suit your needs.
  4. Get creative with your containers
  5. Move and rearrange as your storage needs change!

More Details Here in this video: